Saturday, January 12, 2013

Warming Up*

In my experience with warming up, I have actually seen an improvement in my workouts. My muscles don’t get as tired, because I’ve gotten them ready to handle anything I do after in my actual workout. I also do a light stretching for the muscles I’m about to work out.

My Personal Routine:

1.) Stretch the muscle groups your going to work out (5 minutes).
2.) Warm up (At least 5 min, 10 min max), remember your warming up.
3.) Workout (30 – 45 minutes).
4.) Cardio (30 – 45 minutes).
5.) Cool down (5 minutes).
6.) Stretch (5 minutes).

Some benefits to warming up:

1.) The improvement in your connective tissue’s ability to accept force.
2.) Increases the rate at which your muscles contract.
3.) A reduction in Injury potential.

When you’re working out, your muscles have a specific growing period. That would be 
30 – 45 minutes from what I’ve learned. If you keep engaging your muscles after that growing period, you can actually have a potentially higher risk of injuring those muscles. That’s why it’s important to warm up, because you can reduce the risk of injuring the muscles even more.

Remember this is just for getting back into shape. Body Builders are completely different & require more. So their routines are different & they spend longer amounts of time in the gym than you & me.

I will get into Cardio & Cooling Down tomorrow, because that’s just as important as warming up.

Until Tomorrow

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